Only those Officers with precise handling skills will pass the dreaded “Needle Test”. Completed at the end of Advanced Driving Courses to allow them to get their white cap in Traffic.

( @EngineringVids)
Officers with dual role responsibilities of Traffic and Firearms will complete a similar test. However they will have to wear regulation sunglasses and be pointing their unusually long index fingers out the window, whilst making the Nationally Recognised AFO call “pew pew pew”
Rumour has it, that @Ex_arv_sgt completed his test whilst driving backwards at 140mph.
Whilst Officers such as @OscarRomeo1268 must make at least one attempt whilst holding a mug of @YorkshireTea.
This is where the phrase “threading the needle” comes from. As in a Traffic Officers ability to manoeuvre their Police Vehicle through small gaps at high speeds.
And I just realised I should have started this off with “Advanced Driver Training - a thread”
Opportunity missed.
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