Not an original insight but this probably best explains why Zoomers are having sex less, smoking less, drinking less, taking drugs less etc than the generations that have preceded them, its likely to be because they are socialising with their peers less.
The question is: why are Zoomers spending less time with their peers? Cant just be bc of electronic devices such as computer games or simply bc of ‘helicopter parenting’ can it?
We have less kids & smaller families now. Im guessing thats probably a factor? Not so long ago most ppl had loads of cousins to play/socialise with, not so much anymore.
I certainly think its plausible as a partial explanation of the differences in Zoomer behaviour as compared to previous generations. We live in ageing societies with less kids about than there used to be thus less socialising with peers than there used to be thus less risk-taking
These are arguably some of the consequences of living in ageing societies. Less young men so less violent crime, bc young men commit the vast majority of violent crimes. Less adolescent peer-bonding bc there are less adolescents & so less adolescent risk-taking behaviours. But...
This is not sustainable in the long-term.
Zoomers are not a very happy bunch & they’re not gonna be. We’re social animals. We are not meant to be on our own all the time.
There are some benefits to living in an ageing society, sure, but they are not sustainable benefits & those benefits are not equally distributed.
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