@Shell_Nigeria NNPC/SNEPCo (Henceforth referred to as “N/S”) scholarship is the best thing that can happen to any second-year STEM student in a Nigerian University (You’ll have no doubts after this thread).
If you qualify, you should apply.
I’ll tell you why👇🏾
I got a mail informing me that I had been selected for the N/S UG scholarship. It was worth N200k annually. The first payment came🥁🥁🥁 it was N400K! I waited a week after I got the alert, opened it again, and it was still there. N/S had paid for the previous year too!
I got invited for N/S 2-day “Scholars connect Program” in Lagos. I was lodged in Elion House Hotel, Ikoyi, and had the best time. I connected with the brightest students from EVERY part of Nigeria, got to speak with the management of SNEPCo, student coaches, and N/S HR🌚
N/S had us (its top-performing scholars) describe our career goals, analyzed our responses, and paired us with mentors in their company whose careers aligned with our goals. These mentors have influenced so many scholars most delightfully, and inspired growth in them!
It was time for my 6 months internship, and I did not have a place to report to. Yup, you guessed it: N/S to the rescue. I got a placement at SPDC, PH. In SPDC, I GREW as a student, my supervisor was the best, and I even got a chance to visit the Bonny Oil & Gas Terminal
Still, 2019
N/S sent an HMO form to its scholars. Health Insurance! N/S went ahead to invite health experts to explain the form and give guidance in filling it out. Long story short, my health was insured as an N/S scholar; they kept me healthy so they could keep paying me😅
My friends called me “Shell Baby” at school. The funny thing is that it was never about me- there are a lot of “Shell Babies” (N/S Scholars) all over Nigeria, who also experienced N/S scholarship in the glorious way I did, and then some.
N/S Scholarship is not the conventional scholarship that gives you money and disappears till the next payment. We’re a family! We’re a hub for professional and personal growth!
Don’t you want to be a “Shell Baby”?
Apply & share: https://candidate.scholastica.ng/schemes/snepco 
feel free to ask me Qs
You can follow @JCally___.
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