On Wednesday night, my family home burnt down leaving myself, my high risk mother and 7 year old brother homeless with no belongings. I went from watching TV to wondering where I was going to sleep for the night in 15 minutes.
My mother has a part time job with such a small income, we were already struggling. With no savings, and the amount of damage, the last few days have been our worst. The roof has completely collapsed and everyone kept telling us how lucky we were to be alive.
2020 hit us hard: my grandmother & my mum’s sister both died in a March, my mum has been spending everything on her abusive divorce and the pandemic stopped her working for weeks. We were already relying on food banks. This was taken 2 days before she found out about her sister.
We honestly have no plan on what to do and are relying on the goodness of people’s hearts to help us. Please donate if you can but if you can’t, please share! It means everything to us as we have nothing. Thank you ❤️ http://gf.me/u/yqm99f 
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