Kingdom Hearts 1: Mildly Blind playthrough ?

a thread:
hi hi ya’ll. so when i was 8 my older sister let my play KH1 after i’d watched her play the ending of it. when i played I only ever got to Alice and Wonderland before getting lost (literally) in the game map
she let me play KH2 on my own as well, and basically i skipped over to that one, playing once again, until i was stuck at the Demyx fight 🤦🏽‍♂️
i’ve kept up with the fandom in recent years and fan art, along with KH3 updates. one year i was surprised to find there were ‘in-between games’ as well. my love for sora has never faded, but i don’t know most of the characters or fully understand the plot
i’m 22 now and ready to play the fuck outta these games. 1.5 2.5 remix and KH3 here i come !
i’m gonna be playing on the PS4 and live tweeting the whole time so feel free to follow if you want to tag along!!
ALSO i Really want kingdom hearts friends so !! feel free to suggest ppl in the fandom to follow !
OK, so upon realizing Id only ever gotten to Alice in Wonderland, I played up to Tarzan before recognizing my undying love for this series, and the fact that I needed to make this thread, so here we go-
i’m back at traverse town right now, doing some errands for Cid and these new enemies are lowkey tough uH-
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