tw // ED, self-harm

say it with me y'all: Luther is never gonna grow as a person if you don't let him.

Luther has been through so much shit, he was isolated for 4 years and he never stopped being by Reggie's side because he was manipulated into thinking staying with him-
was the right thing to do in order to be a hero. he had no personal or social life until he was away from his family and in a different part of the timeline.

He has an unhealthy relationship with food, he eats a lot when he's sad or when there's any problem, his first thought-
is food.

Luther also has body dysmorphia, and although we didn't really see that s2, it was very clear in s1. He was ashamed of his body, always covering it, and he couldn't even look in the mirror for more than a few seconds.

In S2, instead of addressing this problem-
they turned into a joke. There was jokes in the entire show calling Luther a monkey, gorilla, ape etc. etc. Luther doesn't seem to mind but I think instead of trying to deal with his problems he distracted himself by fighting for Jack Ruby where his kind of muscle was needed.
Back on the moon bit. When Luther was on the moon, it's been confirmed that he was starving because Reginald never sent him enough food. Luther was starving constantly, and he was alone, his only company being his plant and that was it.
again tw // self harm

It's also been confirmed that Luther would self harm on the moon by ripping his skin off, hence why there are a lot of odd and healed patches of skin on his body.
Do we ever see Luther talk about his own problems?

We saw him talk about the moon with Allison in season 1, and him standing up to Reginald in season 2. That's about it.

Luther doesn't talk about what he's been through because in his head the others won't care. And I don't-
blame him for thinking that, they've shown no interest in his life.

So yeah, Luther has been through some shit like the rest of his siblings. And he has his own way of coping with it.

I'm not here to compare their trauma or nitpick at who had it worse. They all had it bad,-
I'm just here to bring more info about Luther's life because a lot of people don't seem to know, and make fun of his trauma instead.

Does anything of what he's gone through excuse his actions? Not at all. Again, this thread isn't about trying to get people to forget about what-
bad things he's done.

However, you can't say that Luther didn't get character development in season 2. He's completely changed his ways, he's apologised and learned from his mistakes and he's trying to be a better brother.

He's a completely different person now but people-
still try to put him down for whatever reason.

So again, say it with me y'all: Luther is never gonna grow as a person if you don't let him.

You're allowed to not like a character, if Luther's not your cup of tea that's completely fine. But-
ignoring all the things he's done to correct himself and learn from his last mistakes is a dick move and you're not letting him grow.

Plus disliking vs hating a character is different. I know a lot of people who's comfort character is Luther (myself included actually) and-
it feels horrible to see him shit thrown at him every second of every day. I'm sure everyone has felt that way before when they're favorite/comfort character gets bashed so why do you help in enabling that feeling to others?

I don't know how to end this so I'll just say this:
Don't waste your time hating on a character you don't like, instead you can take that time and talk about a character you love! Everyone likes reading positive things more than negatives.
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