It's the 73rd Independence Day of India. Kashmir is still under siege, devoid of basic prerogatives to freedom of speech. Activists from all over the country are being booked under irrelevant charges of sedition. (1/n)
The laws that have been and shall be implemented in the near future by the fascist machinery will further oppress Dalits, Trans people, women and all the other minorities. (2/n)
Communal disharmony has permeated through every tier of the society owing to the divisive policies perpetuated by the kakistocracy at the helm. All of it is only the tip of the iceberg, the haywire situation exacerbated by the sheer incompetence of the government (3/n)
in effectively combatting the raging pandemic we are in the midst of. This is not the kind of token independence Babasaheb, Phule and Bose idolised, yearned and fought for. This is not the kind of independence we, as citizens deserve, now that we are already in the 73rd year(4/n)
of our superficial independence. Here's to a 24hr long evanescent patriotism. On a better note, let's hope we see better days some time, even if that is in the farthest of future. (n/n)
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