Measurements of Love's Sickness: a mini poetry collection thread
Childhood romances never go as planned
You're always convinced that the old oak tree with your initials carved in it mean forever
And once the old oak tree on Jefferson begins to twist at the roots
Love don't feel the same no more
Going to bed alone at night feels like ice
My bottle of sangria promises to hold me tight
It's embrace is never the same
How long must we go before the loneliness fades into jade
My pillows tell me I am the problem
The glass in my hand filled with brandy
How the fuck am I expected to be a woman when my pussy has not been turned inside out in months?
I swear I am sick and suffering without the touch of you
I swear I am loving you on my own
You say we can go the distance
Well, where the hell does the mile end?
They used to play in the murky ditches across the way
Crawfish skirting passed their bare feet
He promised they'd catch more then fish in the dreams of their elders if they laid up
She spread her legs and the levee flooded for 40 days
She spread her legs and the fish swam
The white folk ain't never gone see
That when we cry our tears melt the linoleum
Our tears trail down our face and past our necks until the land upon our chest
Absorbing into tattered flesh
A black woman sits at a bar, right?
In walks in a black man with an x on his back
He offers her eternity in the palm of his hand, in the honeyed taste of his kiss...
Finding solace in the dyed red ink staining her fingers
My mama told me what kinda man my daddy was
My man can not emulate that
They loved before they made love
We tangled white sheets damp before love was made
If my daddy knew I loved with so much caution
I wonder if he'd approve...
Love gives us fools the blues
Simping for companionship in this day and age?
Our bones will turn to dust by the time we drop our pride
Our hearts will turn to steel waiting on us to make up our minds
Either we want it or we pretend half the bed is not empty
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