
Stopping the pandemic is not a top-down or bottom-up approach.

It is an all-fronts approach.

The things individuals do (hygiene, social distancing, face masks and face shields, staying home except for essentials) help stop this.

But government also needs to pull its weight by executing people-first policies, hasten delivery of services, develop necessary healthcare infrastructure, improvement of their integrity, and eliminating corruption.

Why would people practice non-pharmaceutical approaches when officials and agents of government do not do the same, continue to be untrustworthy, break their own rules, make foolish policies, do corrupt acts, and is unjust?

The Filipino people has been patient with reducing their activities & practicing many norms of non-pharmaceutical approaches to combating the virus, as many reports have shown:

Google Mobility Report:

Imperial College London: 

Then what do you see government officials and agents do?

Have parties.

Organize mass events.

Lag in providing services and infrastructure.

Short change our healthcare workers and relevant COVID-19 staff.

On big businesses, they should also step up as well.

I have heard personal stories from friends in which:

1) workers forced to still go to workplaces even after a case is found and disinfection after some days, when the firm CLEARLY can make them WFH

2) workers suddenly retrenched without proper time for transition esp'ly that the job market may be practically nonexistent for specific fields of work due to COVID-19

3) lack of healthcare benefits

4) employment has become project-based.

I do pity small businesses especially when there is little support from government and they are forced to adapt.

Big businesses, however, I have no pity since they have golden parachutes only accessible to the top bosses and the rank and file are the first chopped off.

Big businesses should step up by investing in digitization, encouraging WFH arrangements, humane scheduling of work that respects social distancing, and accessible facilities for healthcare from washrooms to health insurance.

Overall, this pandemic involves everyone; individuals, businesses, and government, to act in stopping this pandemic.

My opinions are not necessarily shared by my affiliations, but I do wish they did.

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