Essential features or Properties of the Mind – a thread:

#ExaBFF #ExaARMY @BTS_twt
1. Consciousness
- capacity for awareness of smth
- essential mark of intelligence

#ExaBFF #ExaARMY @BTS_twt
Indicators of Consciousness
a. Perceptions
- as sense experience
- quasi-perception (dream, imagination)

#ExaBFF #ExaARMY @BTS_twt
Indicators of Consciousness cont.
b. Emotion
c. Sensation
d. Cognition (thinking, believing, understanding)
e. Conations (intending, wanting)

#ExaBFF #ExaARMY @BTS_twt
Essential Features/Properties of the Mind cont.

2. Subjective Quality (Quale/qualia)
- particular way of becoming conscious
- particular way of experiencing

#ExaBFF #ExaARMY @BTS_twt
3. Intentionality
- property of mental state to have contents

#ExaBFF #ExaARMY @BTS_twt
- intentionality of mental states: regarded as smth inherent or original for it is not up to us (smth just to recognize)

#ExaBFF #ExaARMY @BTS_twt
4. Ontological Subjectivity
- exist in so far as the indiv person experience or is conscious of them

#ExaBFF #ExaARMY @BTS_twt
- exist because people have them

#ExaBFF #ExaARMY @BTS_twt
5. Private
- directly knowable to the person who has it or has experienced it

#ExaBFF #ExaARMY @BTS_twt
– End of thread –

#ExaBFF #ExaARMY @BTS_twt
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