hold on if they’re going back to the “current” timeline in season 3, will there be a return of Hazel and Cha Cha? or will they not be there since they were never sent on a mission to kill five in that timeline? will the commission even exist since all the board and the handler
died in 1963? we know that herb and dot and the rest of them are still there, so will herb be promoted to the head of the commission? what will the commission even do anymore seeing as the timeline surely isn’t on track anymore and it was the commission’s job to upkeep it?
do the rest of the siblings exist in this new timeline? i would think so since ben is still there, so does that mean that they could all possibly still encounter each other and go through paradox psychosis? how did hargreeves know which babies to avoid buying? they weren’t named
until grace named them. does that mean that the sparrow academy also goes by numbers? grace the robot was made especially to suit vanya as a young “troubled” child, so will she not exist in this new timeline, and will the sparrow academy not have real names? presumably pogo would
still be alive since he never died in this new timeline, right? how exactly does harlan fit into the sparrow academy? i would assume it’d be a big part since he is shown to still have powers, and his sparrow toy was often used as symbolism for something with him. since harlan is
given powers twenty years earlier than the OG 43 kids are meant to be born, will that fast track hargreeves’ plans for the umbrella (now sparrow) academy? they just left all of those un-manned time travel suitcases in that field on the farm, didnt they? how the hell will that
work out when an especially curious passerby stumbles their way across to one of those suitcases? WHY IS HARGREEVES AN ALIEN?? WHAT WERE THE 12 GUYS MEANT TO DO?? WHAT IS HARGREEVES DOING ON THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON??? WHY IS THERE A PAINTING OF BEN IF HES NOT DEAD?????
the answer to all of the questions in this thread: i am annoying
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