atla team avatar characters as radiohead albums

aang: in rainbows
katara: a moon shaped pool
sokka: the bends
toph: kid a
zuko: ok computer
suki: hail to the thief
ok lemme explain:

aang is in rainbows bc he’s the avatar and IR is kinda like an amalgamation of all of Radiohead’s different sounds. it’s a loving & powerful album. that fits aang.

katara is a moon shaped pool bc she appears gentle & calm but can sting & hurt too
sokka is bends bc it’s an underrated album. sokka matures thru the show & bends is kinda Radiohead’s album where they begin to find their own sound. also angsty

Toph as kid a bc she’s innovative and can be quite chaotic... both you either love or hate
zuko is ok computer bc he’s emo, has a great story arc like how okc has a great concept. both are beloved & deservingly so

suki is httt bc she’s frankly quite underrated... really powerful and had great moments but often gets left out of the convo
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