Ok, here's a list of #USPS actions for anyone who needs it, divided with federal/state/local actions.

1. Please share as needed.

2. I want to stress: because we are still in a pandemic, states/local gov. are willing to consider emergency options they normally wouldn't.
If I'm recommending it, it's because I think it merits an ask/it's based on experience + it's not out of the realm of possibility!

I'm definitely not going to tell you to waste your time on something that doesn't make sense.

Also, a LOT of action points, so using ➡️

A. Legislation

➡️The House passed the #HeroesAct on 05/15 w/ $25 billion to USPS, including priority focus on PPE: https://m.npmhu.org/media/news/heroes-act-provides-relief-for-postal-employees

➡️But the Senate left DC w/ failed negotiations + no voting. They will not be back until 09/08.

➡️Our action? Demand a vote.
Because they're home:

➡️Call the *district offices* or DOs of your Senators.

➡️The full list of your Senators is here: https://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm

➡️Click through on their names to go to their website, and find their district offices. You can also email or fax in a message.
➡️A critical, longer-term goal is legislation to eliminate pre-funding, and we should 100% tell our electeds as much.

➡️ You can remind electeds on both sides the House passed the bipartisan H.R.2382 in February, and there's decent support. https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/2382/cosponsors?searchResultViewType=expanded
✔️ Veterans and older constituents need medication
✔️ We're likely going to need the USPS to help deliver a vaccine for COVID,
✔️ Small businesses depend on USPS to function (e.g. Etsy stores)
✔️ Obviously, vote by mail.
B. Investigations/Hearings

There are multiple investigations/hearings in Congress right now over DeJoy's actions, including:

➡️ @SenGaryPeters requesting public input re: #USPS slowdowns as Ranking Member of Homeland Security/ Governmental Affairs: https://www.peters.senate.gov/postal 
➡️ What we can do:

✔️ Encourage everyone experiencing mail slowdowns to fill out the Peters form.
✔️ Tell electeds we support ALL of these hearings and investigations. They need to continue + be public.
✔️ Tell electeds they ALL need to tour local USPS facilities like Manchin.
C. Federal candidates/campaigns

More of an indirect list of actions, but every candidate running for federal office right now should be able to:

✔️Explain why USPS has been losing $ (pre-funding!)
✔️What actions they've taken to save USPS/help voting (for incumbents)
✔️Or actions they would support, if they're a first-time candidate and elected.

This is important, because the challenges w/ USPS are not short-term. We need officials who get the longer term battle.

➡️ What we can do: support USPS-savvy electeds, especially Senators.
➡️ Remember: the Senate confirms individuals like the USPS Board of Governors ( https://about.usps.com/who/leadership/board-governors/)

➡️We need a Dem Senate majority, to support a Dem President's nominees - just like all other critical nominees.

➡️ Pick a critical race to adopt: https://www.vox.com/2020/5/18/21243174/most-competitive-senate-races-2020
(And honestly: having the right electeds really does matter.

A graduate school classmate wrote her final paper on how frustrating it was for her to see USPS pushed aside as an issue year after year, because it hasn't been urgent... until now.

Support electeds who prioritize)
➡️ Federal template script ⬅️

Points addressed:

✔️ Need a vote on COVID $ relief
✔️ USPS $ problems => pre-funding
✔️ Confirm no more removing mailboxes
✔️ Hearings
✔️ Electeds to visit USPS locations

(Add own points as needed)
➡️Template script for federal candidates of choice⬅️
Also, link error in this tweet -


Here's the link to the report from the Congressional Research Service covering the negative impacts of pre-funding:
➡️ State-Level ⬅️

State level actions need to be a big focus when it comes to the impact of #USPS and voting in November.

Why, you ask? Because our system of voting is decentralized and it's state-by-state.

The actions here are more direct & immediate action for each of us.
➡️ Find your governor here: https://www.nga.org/governors/addresses/

➡️ Will they allocate emergency funding to help county registrars with expanded voting options (e.g. more drop boxes)?

This is tough, because COVID deficits being experienced at all levels of gov. BUT still worth asking.
Individual (and this overlaps with County)

➡️When will your ballot be mailed (if being mailed?) How long does it usually take to get there?

➡️If it doesn't arrive, do you know what to do?

➡️ Can you vote early? What's the earliest you can vote?
➡️ Is there a location where you can drop off your ballot early, instead of mailing it in?

➡️ If you're mailing it back in, can you do it right away after receiving your ballot?

It's generally accepted people w/ voting plans will vote. Ask friends/family these questions too.
4️⃣ Additional individual logistics:

➡️ Do you know what kind of forms of ID you might need to vote in person? The SoS brings you directly to your state's website.

Can you start preparing early to make sure you have everything you need? https://www.nass.org/can-i-vote/valid-forms-id
If you're able, working Election Day and making it as safe and efficient as possible for others to vote, is a big act of patriotism.

Consider finding your state here, and follow the instructions on your individual state pages https://www.nass.org/can-i-vote/become-a-poll-worker
When you're done with your application, follow the instructions on how bring it back to your *local county registrar*, because that's who's point on this.

➡️Script template⬅️

Talking points covered:

✔️What has already been done
✔️What WILL be done, given federal news?
➡️County Level ⬅️

Your county registrar of voters is the local body putting on elections in your area.

➡️ First things first? Know the contact for your registrar: https://www.usvotefoundation.org/vote/eoddomestic.htm

Because they + their team will be overseeing issues on Election Day. Know who to call.
A lot of what I said in the state section apply here, so I'll keep it short. Use your county registrar to figure out:

➡️ Figure out when your ballot (if by mail)
➡️ Are there local drop-off locations?
➡️ Or what's your local vote center/polling location?
Beyond just voting, your county registrar is your point to:

➡️ Reach out if you want to volunteer to be a poll worker (check requirements; what they need, etc.)

➡️ (Jointly, with your County Board): Reach out and ask if they have plans to expand vote collection given USPS.
E.g. Can they arrange for:

✔️ Additional polling locations?
✔️ Additional drop-off locations/boxes/collection points?

E.g. my old office building used to have a regular box in the lobby, watched over by building security. Is this something that can be replicated?
✔️ Additional PPE for poll workers, and protections for any new locations that can potentially be open?

✔️Can they work with their partners at other levels of government to get funding to carry out points, if needed?
Under normal circumstances, a lot of things would already be locked into place.

But because of COVID, things are shifting, so it doesn't hurt to *ask* - e.g. what we saw in Kentucky today. Asking encourages staff to realize there's an issue, and encourages them to solve it.
➡️ Script template for local electeds ⬅️

Talking points:
✔️Are they prepared?
✔️Can they expand access given federal challenges?
✔️If they need funding, can they reach out to other levels of gov?
➡️FINALLY! Some recommendations on how to thank USPS employees⬅️

I think it's important for all us to remember it can't be easy to work for USPS right now. Can you support your local mail carrier/postal staff/see what they need?
✔️ Can you send a thank-you note to your mail carrier/local branch staff?

✔️Can you help see what your specific branch might need - e.g. do they need PPE? Can you make/send cloth masks?

Because if you remember: #HeroesAct provided urgent PPE $, but it *hasn't passed*.
✔️Can you ask if your local branches might want things like Gatorade right now? It's hot, carriers go out in cars w/ out adequate AC ( https://weather.com/news/news/2019-08-06-phoenix-arizona-postal-worker-cooks-steak-on-mail-truck-dash)

And they're out in a pandemic. How can we make it easier on them? It doesn't hurt to ask.
You can follow @Celeste_pewter.
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