Story time: this may take a few different tweets so I’m sorry.

For those of you who know me know that I was born and raised in church. I was very faithful up until 2016 which is when my life changed dramatically.

One of my best friends passed away in December of 2015. (1/6)
I stopped going to church regularly nearly immediately after she passed away because I was angry, depressed, and confused.

Fast forward to like 2016, I had entirely stopped going to church and praying because I didn’t think it mattered. (It does) my mother sent me a song (2/6)
and told me that I needed to listen to it because it made her think of me. So. Driving down the road I played the song, Thy Will by Hilary Scott. And I cried so hard whilst driving I had to pull off the side of the road. (3/6)
We are now in the year 2020. This year has been rough. But I lost my (maternal) grandma in 2018 to cancer and my grandfather(paternal) in February of this year. And I deflated in faith once again because I once again felt like prayer doesn’t matter(it does). (4/6)
I was driving last night, minding my own business and guess what song came across my shuffle. Thy Will and immediately after my phone played Oh My Soul by Casting Crowns and I was crying because it felt like a nudge to me to get back into the one thing that makes me, me. (5/6)
You lot probably don’t care at all about this story, or anything I post most the time and that’s fine. But if you take anything from this thread of tweets it’s that you are not alone and that despite us not fully understanding God’s plan for us and our lives, he is with us. (6/6)
You can follow @IrelandNicole97.
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