#Spanner #amediting update (for once): Thanks to the "qrazy" turn of the altmed set, Sia's "uncostumed" superheroine sisters Charlie & Desiree now have a Berserk Button: "q-wackery".

Charlie: Quack?
Desiree: (snarls) Q-wacko.

You see, Charlie and Desiree are both registered nurses who believe in medical science and were persecuted under 2 years of antivax orthodoxy before the 3rd purge, which they helped Sia engineer, partly to help stop the Plagues.
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After Russia conquered/bought America, antivaxers practically ruled the Conservative Revolutionary Party. The "superspreader elite" let coronavirus, flu & other pandemics rage unchecked & persecuted "allopaths", until 2022 and the 3rd purge.
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Confederate Archon Shchedrin tried to stop the Plagues. The antivaxers tried to overthrow him. They got purged in the 3rd purge, then defected to the Islamist Caliphate & then Shchedrin had doctors & nurses fight the Plagues. That's the backstory.
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Back to Charlie and Desiree. Because of the Plagues, and the powerful CRP antivax faction's persecution of doctors & nurses, they have no tolerance for what they call "q-wacko" "superspreaders". Instead, they consider them villains & beat them up.
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One last thing in this thread: Charlie and Desiree have a reason for being intolerant of medical woo beyond the Plagues. You see, they grew up in a cult. Its leader? Their mother, Drusilla, also the world's worst stage mother. They hate her.
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