While I don’t doubt her talents, it’s far too early to declare victory. In truth, she came on after the war was won. To me, the most astounding moment of this campaign was how a scrappy team, bloodied and bruised, had somehow convinced every other major contender to fold.
Recall primary ads by GOP Hitting Biden. And this was as money rapidly dried up. After Iowa and NH, it was a feat to keep donors and supporters engaged and not flee. There was a strategic call to have Biden go to SC on the night of the NH primary. “Wait until Sourh Carolina.”
And they did convince folks, because even though he was second in Nevada, it was a distant second. But Biden had locked down the key Clyburn endorsement.
Biden crushed everyone in SC. He then cleaned up on Super Tuesday in a way that no one expected (see: first in MA). By the time Biden won Michigan, his lead was nearly insurmountable. Again, with no $, facing a progressive hero and a billionaire.
I think it was after all of this that JOD came on.
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