Becoming well-connected in this industry is invaluable!

But, how does one do this, exactly?

Here are a few suggestions!


> Start or manage (take a role) local chapters of established security franchises: trade groups, conferences, & meetups.
> Leadership and organizer roles put you in a vantage point at the org from which to do good things for others.
> Secure employment with larger security shops. Become an alum. Shared difficult experiences are often the basis of trusted relationships.
> Do not lose touch with your former coworkers. They are now part of your network.
> Be a super-connector: a person who expends effort to bring people together.
> Any opportunity which isn’t right for you is probably “just right” for someone else you know.
> Consulting work often brings one into contact with many clients!
> Add everyone you connect with on LinkedIn, & check in with them every so often (not too often).
> Attend as many specialized cons as you can, ID interesting niches, & meet the ppl passionate about those niches.
> Spend time integrating with your communit(ies) on Twitter, Slack, Discord, Telegram, etc.
> If what you want doesn’t exist, build/cultivate it & they will come.
> Do volunteer work for important organizations.
> Connect with cyber-focused academics at your local universities.
> My biggest tip is to ask for help in a specific & targeted fashion.

> Almost everyone loves the opportunity to be of assistance when it is clear how they can help you!
Thanks for reading!

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