I don’t really do threads b/c I don’t have a ton of followers so, like why? 🤷‍♀️ But today I am, and the title is:

Why I’m a Nasty Otter.

Almost 4 years ago, my Twitter name was just my handle, and it had been that way since 2009. Then on 10/19/16, during the last debate 1/?
Hillary Clinton, a woman who spent her whole career working harder at each new endeavor than the one before, all the way up to being our first female presidential candidate, was called “nasty” by a sociopathic, misogynistic, ignorant, childish little dunce on national tv. 2/?
I don’t use personal photos on twitter, and never have, because at the time, you weren’t attacked for not using your real photo as most are now. I had this amusing otter, so I became Nasty Otter. I’ve changed it msnyytimes, but always left “nasty” as the first descriptor. 3/?
The 🍊💩🤡 can’t function unless he’s demeaning people. He will not demean us. We will repurpose his words. He called @HillaryClinton nasty b/c he can’t handle strong women. He tried to demean her w/ a childish name, the way school bullies do. Now he’s doing to @KamalaHarris. 4/?
Pay attention to his words. When he calls women “nasty”, he’s intimidated. When he makes fun of men with words like “crying” or “loser” or sleepy”, he’s intimidated. The people on the receiving end of his stupid insults are doing everything right, and he can’t stand it. 5/?
As long as that 💩🤡 is going to call those amazing women nasty, then I will remain nasty, too. Every time he does that, I add the newest insult as well and leave it for a bit. Those insults are all that pathic little man has, so I will take them and repurpose them. 6/?
Nasty? Strong. Meanie? Assertive. Cryin’? Human. Empathetic. Sleepy? Even-tempered. Kind. Low energy? Measured. Careful. Pocahontas? No, I’ve got nothing on that one. He’s just a fking racist asshle. 7/7
#TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #TrumpIsALaughingStock #TrumpIsACompleteFailure
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