a thread about trigger warnings because i see so many posts with triggering content and no trigger warnings
why to put trigger warnings on your posts:
it’s really easy, many people could have ptsd or anxiety and adding trigger warnings could save someone from having a panic attack, getting anxious, or other similar harmful things
proper format
lets pretend the trigger word is cards
correct way to tag it:
tw // cards ✅
incorrect ways:
tw//cards ❌
tw//c*ards ❌
tw // c*rds ❌
if there are multiple trigger words separate them like this:
tw // cards , envelopes
don’t censor the trigger word, if people have it muted it will show up on their timelines if it’s censored
some trigger words include:
mention of food or drink
sexual assault
eating disorders
throwing up
if you’re unsure whether or not to add a trigger warning, add one!! better safe than sorry
if i missed anything in this thread please lmk and i’ll add it!!
You can follow @rainbxrrywalls.
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