okay so i cba to do one a day so i’m doing as many as possible rn
Favourite Star Wars memory: Anakin vs Obi Wan, first thing I think of when it comes to Star Wars. Best scene in the saga for me.
Favourite Character: Anakin Skywalker. There really isn’t much to say, incredible character.
Favourite OT Film: Not much to say really... masterpiece.
Favourite PT Film: Again, not much to be said. For me it’s the best movie ever.
Favourite Star Wars game: Played it all the time when I was a kid, game holds a lot of memories for me.
Favourite lightsaber fight + scene: Anakin vs Obi Wan again, it’s just perfect.
Favourite Yoda Quote: Actually such a good quote, it’s a quote to live by.
Favourite Fan Film:
Something I wish was different: I wish Anakin never turned to the dark side. This photo could have been reality in the SW universe.
My favourite piece of SW merch: A Darth Vader figure. Was gifted to me and I just love it.
An Actor i’d like to see in a Star Wars movie: Mahershala Ali, just a really good actor and i’d love to see him have a big Star Wars role.
Favourite Rogue One crew member: Chirrut, he was so cool, i find blind badasses really cool which is why he is my favourite. Also his connection to the force.
Favourite piece of Star Wars music: It always changes for me but right now it would have to be Across the Stars, it is a very powerful score which never fails to give me goosebumps.
Favourite vehicle in the saga: For me it has to be the Milennium Falcon, there’s not much to be said. Very iconic. (Naboo Starfighter very close tho)
Favourite Special Edition change: Hayden in ROTJ, think it made a lot of sense as Hayden is the embodyment of Anakin Skywalker. Also makes sense as the last time he was on the light side he looked like that.
Least Favourite Special Edition change: I don’t really have one, if George Lucas thinks something needs changing it does. He is Star Wars.
Favourite SW parody: Don’t have one because i’ve never seen one🤣
Favourite non-SW movie from a SW actor: Raiders of the Lost Ark, was shown to me when I was a kid and I honestly loved it, legendary film.
Favourite Droid: R2-D2, literally an iconic character. Has been a part of all 9 films and has been through everything with the his Jedi counterparts.
A SW game I wish existed: A game with similar gameplay to Jedi Fallen Order, however it is with Anakin and his journey between EP 1 and 2. Would love to see his development as a Jedi.
SW Anthology Film that I want: Ashoka’s journey from the end of TCW Season 7 to her appearance in Rebels. Think it would be so interesting to see where she went and what she did. It would be a dream film for me as she is my favourite character bar Anakin.
My Favourite TFA moment: Han Solo’s death, such a powerful scene and moment. The way the darkness clouds the room right before Kylo kills his father and the reactions of Rey, Leia and Chewie just make the scene so much more powerful.
My Favourite Space Battle: The Battle of Corusant, for me it’s just visually beautiful. The way you see two ships perfectly in sync and we come to know it is Anakin and Obi-Wan we see how much their relationship has developed. Amazing opening to ROTS.
Least Favourite SW Moment: For me it has to be this moment, not much to be said really. It’s not even his lightsaber, It’s very out of character and was overall just kinda dumb. So for me it is my least favourite SW moment.
Favourite Vader Quote: Do I really have to say anything?
If I was an extra, what scene would I be in?: The Battle of Geonosis, i’d just be one of those Jedi that nobody knows the name of🤷🏽‍♂️
Director I would want to direct a Star Wars movie: The Russo Brothers, I would want them because I believe they’ve done an amazing job with their films in the Marvel franchise and I believe if they worked with Star Wars they would make greatness!
A prop I would like to own: Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber. He is my favourite character and to have a prop of his lightsaber would just be so cool. Not much to say really🤣
Finally, why I love Star Wars: There is a lot to say that can’t really be put into one tweet, however it’s been a part of my life since I was a child and i’ve just always been in love with it. Iconic and amazing franchise.
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