So there is TWO Congo’s. The bigger Congo is the Democratic replublic of Congo (DRC)🇨🇩 before being named DRC it was Zaire. The smaller one is Congo Brazzaville 🇨🇬. So we was all one big happy family then along came the French and the Belgium.
🇨🇩King Leopold that ndoki took control of the land around the Congo river and called it the free state of Congo. He killed up to 10 MILLION people during his reign. He even amputated our people.
🇨🇬 Around 1908 the area across the river was taken over by the French. They called it the French congo and then the middle congo. More deaths and mistreatment of our people. 20,000 died just so a railroad could be built through French territory.
Then even after gaining independence we went through multiple governments and country names before having the two Congo’s we hane now. Brazzaville and DRC
So in conclusion Congo Brazzaville 🇨🇬 or DRC 🇨🇩 we are ALL one. If they never came to exploit us for our resources and Europeans stayed the fuck outta Africa two Congo’s wouldn’t exist.
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