
For @curioustrail

It gives me great pleasure to land on you like a ton of bricks.

First, I accept your surrender. But as @realDonaldTrump says, getting revenge is a way to modify the behavior of destructive people.
Celebrating Trump's victory is neither premature nor "impoverished."

You have no idea why he's going to win. I've explained why, and you can't produce a counter-argument, so you try in a shallow passive-aggressive way to force me to submit.
"Healing" means "Don't hold me responsible for my own actions."


Leftists have become terrorists.

After Trump wins, I'm going to gloat for as long as I feel like it. I still laugh at all the crying Hillary supporters on election night.
When people behave like savages, I'm under no obligation to reach out to him.

I was forced by the LA County Sheriff's Department to fight for my life like a caveman against two homeless lunatics who ambushed me outside my back door.
I didn't say a word.

The man had a knife, and the woman tried to knock me down.

I disabled them both, and they went away. The whole thing was over in less than a minute.

The ambush happened because the LACSD stopped arresting the woman for coming on my property.
She came at night and licked my back door, screaming that she was going to murder me.

The two of them were on meth.

One pipe survived.
Somehow the woman shoved the pipe up her nose, and then I guess her newly blinded partner stamped on her face.

At any rate, they went away and never came back.

Both were coughing as they ambushed me, so I doubt they're still alive.

Too late for me to have "healing" with them.
I'm the wrong guy for you to try your leftist tactics on.

There's no healing for me. I died when I was four, and I've been living several afterlives for 54 years.

But it's okay.
I've played my life-cards VERY well.

I took care of my parents for 20 years, despite the fact that they totally denied ever having done anything wrong.

My family was like a macabre circus act.
All my siblings are trapeze artists who ignore the trapeze and simply swan dive to the dirt floor below.

After they get out of the hospital, the do it again.

A demolition derby with no cars.

Just drivers smashing into each other.
I didn't forgive my parents, but I didn't hold anything against them.

It wasn't hard to take care of them, because I'd written them off when I left home at 18.

I fully expected them both to disown me as a final "F*CK YOU!" but I STILL took care of them.
THIS is why I took care of them.
My Las Vegas brother and I were there. Just us. Nobody else.

Without us, my parents would've become one of those horror stories you read about.


I'd died at the age of four.

You know what that means?

I had total freedom.
I'm the freest person you've ever known.

The epilogue of my memoir will blow you away.

When you have total freedom and you CHOOSE TO DO THE RIGHT THING, you get rewarded.

I've been rewarded with total clarity.

That does NOT mean I'm always right.
But clarity allows me to discern what doesn't mater and ignore it without ever looking back.

"Healing" is a leftist construct used to try and force non-leftists to submit EVEN AFTER leftists have lost the war.

Leftists must change their behavior.

Their savagery comes with a cost.

The cost is to be mocked for acting like barbarians AND CAUSING THEIR OWN ROUT.

Leftists must heal themselves.

It's not my responsibility to make you feel better about your total failure.
I'm not talking about public mea culpas.


All I care about is winning.

You can stop f*cking up, or you can keep losing.

Not my problem.
Trump and I are upright men.

Without apology.

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