Election Social Engineering Tutorial:
I will add to this thread regularly.
Social engineering can take many forms. Can be someone trying to be you. Can be someone using disinformation to get you to change your actions or behavior. Can be events with mass psyops. What to do? 1. >
2. Understand that there is now full fledged war on our democracy led by the kremlin + white house to again attempt to steal your vote, suppress your vote, or scare you into not voting. Do not let this happen. Register to vote today. Check your registration if already done. 3. >
3. Understand that every means, whether they be breathless descriptions of mailboxes being stolen off city streets, or telling you it is ok to vote regardless of covid19 - are meant to scare the living crap out of you. Meant to prevent you voting, or being scared to. Say no. 4. >
4. YOU need to decide how you will vote. Do not let fearmongers scare you. Do not let social engineering through social media scare you. Do not let social engineering through TV psyops scare you. Stand up. Fight like hell for your rights, or you will lose them forever. 5. >
5. Is your life better than 4 years ago? Is it better than 6 months ago? Are you angry? Are you scared? Stand up. Take action. Register to vote. Get out the vote. Visit post office + buy them out if you can. Make sure everyone you know is registered to vote. Help them vote. 6. >
6. Do not stand around, hope someone is going to magically rescue situation. This is real life honest to God emergency in our nascent republic, struggling to retain semblance of democracy. #Congress needs to Step up now. Act. Impeach PostMaster. @SpeakerPelosi To Save #USA. 7.>
7. Start calling your Congressmembers today. Email them. Fax Them. Burn down their social media channels. Demand @senatemajldr, his other russian puppet *45 call back the US Senate and fix this War on America. Now. Do not wait. Take action now. Your entire nation is at risk. 8.>
8. Social engineering online is happening. Fear monger accounts, whether human or bots are actively involved using war on @USPS crisis to further their voter suppression goals. Do not share someone else scaring people. Calling them out is important part of owning your power. 9. >
9. Social engineering is happening in Facebook groups, email chains, here, youtube and being amplified by members of media. Goal is to ratchet up fear levels: between fear of dying from #covid19 - fear of not being able to vote... controlled chaos. Do not fall down. Stand up. 10>
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