Why pedophilia should be normalised - A thread
Most people want to eliminate Pedophiles from society, but that doesn’t make sense because we’re talking about biology, we’re talking about sexual orientation, something that we simply can’t change. On top of that, every day new people are born with the same difficulty.
Pedophilia is a sexual preference. We live in a progressive era and it honestly makes me sad the fact that we’re in big 2020 and pedophilia hasn’t been normalised yet
Their argument for normalising homosexu4lity is because it’s not a choice and love is love. Well you can say the same thing about pedophilia
It could help the children become more mature if they have a partner who is older than them
Children can learn to enjoy sex with an older partner if they experience it with consent. It isn’t harmful if they enjoy it.
End of thread, Likes and Rts appreciated
and already losing followers and been blocked
wait people think i came up w this?đŸ˜čđŸ˜č bro i be nabbing everything đŸ’ŻđŸ‘‹đŸ»
OFFICIAL STATEMENT: i’m not a nonce i love good aged females
pedos should dÂĄ3 btw
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