Seems to me that actively subverting two things explicitly spelled out in the Constitution — the decennial Census and the Post Office — should be grounds for impeachment of every public official complicit in those schemes.

This isn’t hard, but this Congress seems to think it is.
Both things are spelled out in Article I, which sets up the Legislative branch and its powers.

You’d think this is an area where Congress would want to flex its muscles to send a clear message that you don’t mess with this stuff.
No government agency or service is perfect, and neither are @USPS and @uscensusbureau.

But in modern times, both have operated largely uncontroversially and above the fray, carrying out their functions without White House interference.

Until now. They’re both being sabotaged.
If doing this for political gain and because you want to remain in power is not a high crime and misdemeanor, then nothing is.

Impeachment, even if it fails in a feckless Senate, would remind the public that there remain a few things the Constitution simply doesn’t tolerate.
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