I'm seeing the same teachers who have taught for decades that sin is serious and repentance is necessary, applying a "cheap grace" mentality to social issues. Guilting victims into forgiving perps because "All have sinned!" isn't grace in action: it's promoting licentiousness.
I recently saw one pastor comparing #MeToo victims to parable of the unforgiving servant. What he forgot is that in that parable, the unforgiving servant is dealing with a repentant neighbor who acknowledges the debt & is begging for forgiveness with tears.
Yes, we are called to forgive one another just as God in Christ forgives us. But imagine if the servant had gone swaggering in to the king's throne room and said, "I know I owe you a lot of money, but hey, you're supposed to be forgiving right, so no biggie."
We can rely upon the grace of God, but we should never presume upon it. Similarly, we should be able to come to our brothers and sisters in repentance and find grace with them, but we should never presume upon their graciousness.
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