U know, if you’re gonna tell blm to focus on black on black crime... maybe u should do the same with white on white crime. Focus on it. Post on fb about it, tweet about it, get your ass up out of your chair, and protest it. #practiceWhatUPreach or shut the hell up!
Cause you know what? Blm has done more than u have.
How can we expect anyone to take us seriously when we’re not doing x thing we’re telling others to do? We can’t! It’s impossible! Oh, and in an earlier tweet I said most white people don’t know how to protest, I said most because there are white people within BLM. /end
Where was your white ass when Heather Heyre died? Funny that i didn’t see none of you marching and calling for justice in her death. Funny that the ppl doing that was blm. Hmmm! Strange, that is!
Where were u when that 70 something white protestor got his head bashed in by the police a few weeks ago? Calling for the officer that did it to be fired and arrested? Oh wait! That was blm, again!
Where were you when that Navy vet got his hand stomped on and broke by federal authorities? In the streets, calling for those who did it’s arrest? My bad! That was blm. Not you!
Where were you during Hurricane Maria? Were you driving a boat, rescuing people off roofs, and giving children school supplies so they have something to do? Oh wait! That was Black Lives Matter. Oops!
Im seriously beginning to think most white people don’t know how to protest or what it means to protest. Instead of trying to understand why ppl are protesting you make up the worse stuff possible. Which in the end (mostly) proves their point for them.
Blm has long said that white people don’t care about white people killing white people or they’d be in the streets protesting their deaths. And every time there’s a death like Heather’s this is proven over and over again.
It’s the reason #whitelivesmatter is a joke, why it gets made fun of. Because over and over again my fellow white people prove that white lives don’t actually matter.
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