Phoenix and Edgeworth are kinda like Deku and Bakugou as well as All Might and Aizawa. Phoenix from the start wanted to save people but Edgeworth wanted to always win, but now he sees he needs to always find the truth.
I wonder how this'll play out in MHA (continued down below)
Because heroes themselves don't put into perspective that they can cause trouble as well (like how Enguard was a villain despite being the actor for the Nickel Samurai). So in a way, AA is pretty much MHA and the story is (continued)
"heroes don't do what they think is right, they do what they know is right" which is finding the truth. Edgeworth and Phoenix are good examples of what heroes should be in a law sense, and they are parallel to Deku and Bakugou in finding their ways of being a hero
This thread above discusses how similar #AceAttorney and #MyHeroAcademia #BNHA are in a hero sense
(containing spoilers for AA2)
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