Trump V The Postmen. A lesson in courage from 'Looking for Eric' - in which a postman defeats a psychopath with the help of his co-workers.
"Come on, tosspot,

I thought you could tell the future.

Well, let me tell you your future.

We're gonna turn up

here with 10 coach loads

and we're gonna take this house

apart, brick by fucking brick.
"And this little movie that you've been

starring in with your little mate.

One word to Ryan

and it's gonna be on BlueTube.

It's YouTube.

It's called YouTube.

Well, whatever it is.

You're gonna be on it.

With your fucking poncy posing pouch

and your gimp of a mate,
and all the people laughing

at your little red willy.

You fancy that, do ya? Eh?

And if you try and run away

to some bolt-hole in Blackpool

or some rabbit hole

in the Outer Hebrides,

we'll find ya.

I'll find ya! You know why?

'Cause I'm a fucking postman!"
Here's to @APWUnational - the world is placing a heavy burden on your shoulders but I think of all people, you're up to the job of carrying it.
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