What is happening with the post office is absolutely stunning. How far we have fallen that we even entertain the possibility of accepting this bullshit during an election. The whole thing is such a blatant case of election tampering. Trump should be ashamed, even for him.
The Republicans have lost it. They are blowing the entire party for a short-term agenda. Get a spine! Stand for everyone getting their fair say, not this banana republic garbage. We are in uncharted territory and you know who wins again, PUTIN.
The U.S., he beacon of democracy, is looking more and more like a sham every fucking day. A dream come true to Moscow. This is really getting comic-book level fucked up and we are so desensitized at this point it just is another crazy thing happening.
Yeah, the mail-in fraud? Like all the fraud Trump's own commission didn't find and was subsequently disbanded. I live in a mail voting state, it works great. Rarely ever an issue. But actual election meddling is fake news.
Or doing anything possible to keep all voters from voting is no big deal, but god forbid of mail-in voting and its fraudulent potential! How stupid are we supposed to be? Apparently really fucking stupid.
This is not a Republican or Democrat or any other bullshit gangster-like party issue (we could do without either of them at this point), this is about the very foundation of our democracy. We should all agree on this, otherwise, it sure seems like you are yuring for tyranny.
You clearly have the reading comprehension of a child. Fuck off.
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