Which reminds me, meant to do this awhile ago. To me the single best thing about academic twitter is how honest it is about the real labor conditions in the industry for young scholars and how devastating the job market is to the soul. https://twitter.com/pfessenbecker/status/1294334002120265738
One small thing I do: if a precarious academic tweets about the difficulties of their job search, I follow them. It costs me zero effort, and in our klout-infected dystopia, who knows? More followers might be useful for them.
So, ten women who have tweeted eloquently about their job searches (and other things!) to follow on this Friday. @murrayrachel89
@Jendeavour @dear_mik @spampinato_erin @MLevantovskaya @motheroftheses @DBellonby @LeighaMcR @ClareGS87 @nicolakirkby
You can follow @pfessenbecker.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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