(1/9) Biden “had the op­por­tu­nity to name a com­pe­tent fe­male run­ning mate, one who would ex­cite his base and re­as­sure un­de­cided vot­ers. He in­stead chose Cal­i­for­nia Sen. Kamala Har­ris, the de­f­i­n­i­tion of po­lit­i­cal medi­oc­rity.” https://www.wsj.com/articles/kamala-harriss-first-campaign-11597360619
(2/9) Now the media is praising her effusively after “rightly skew­ered in 2019 for run­ning one of the most bun­gled and dis­or­ga­nized pres­i­den­tial cam­paigns this cy­cle.”
(3/9) The media criticized her for her “prac­ticed phrases led to a “Sat­urday Night Live” im­per­son­ation that, as SF­Gate noted, “mocks” the can­di­date for her “‘vi­ral mo­ments’ des­per­a­tion”
(4/9) “A New York Times story about how her cam­paign “un­rav­eled” described one such quest for a mem­o­rable catch-phrase, not­ing that her aides had be­come “given to gal­lows hu­mor about just how many slo­gans and one-lin­ers she has cy­cled through.”
(5/9) “If com­men­ta­tors are now strug­gling to de­fine Ms. Har­ris, it’s be­cause she of­fers lit­tle that is truly defin­ing. In her 3½ Sen­ate years, she’s done lit­tle by way of leg­is­lation, prefer­ring to show­boat at hear­ings.”
(6/9) “The lack of an an­i­mat­ing agenda helps a ex­plain a pres­i­dential cam­paign in which she bounced from left to far-left po­si­tion, what­ever she thought most help­ful at the moment.“
(7/9) Harris’ campaign proves she has “the propen­sity to make mis­takes—poten­tially big ones. The Trump cam­paign is ea­ger to de­fine her as a Bernie Sanders lib­eral, and she’s got a track record that helps—hav­ing en­dorsed Medicare for All, the Green New Deal and gun bans.”
(8/9) “Many Amer­i­cans will also re­member her lead­ing role in the char­acter as­sas­si­na­tion of Jus­tice Brett Ka­vanaugh, matched only in po­lit­i­cal the­ater by Cory “Spar­tacus” Booker. This has the po­ten­tial to turn off some sub­ur­ban and in­de­pen­dent vot­ers.”
(9/9) “It was pre­or­dained the me­dia would gush over any Biden pick, and it is a given the press will con­tinue to pro­vide cover to the ticket. But De­moc­rats do them-selves no fa­vors in pre­tend­ing Ms. Har­ris is a su­per-pol.“
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