@OptimumHelp you have rescheduled the appointment to fix my service for 11 straight days, now pushed out another 3 days. No one calls us back or gives us accurate info. Somebody answer!
Would @verizonfios do this to their customers?
@BBBTriCounties please investigate @OptimumHelp they are taking advantage of their customers
10 Days w/ no service
9 Days w/ no call backs
8 Appts canceled
7 days after the power came back
6 times customer support lied to us
5 hours on hold
4 times I’ve cried
3 days until the next appt
2 days before that appt is canceled
1 future Fios customer
Will I have internet before 2021?
@VerizonSupport can I switch? I bet you could get me set up as a new customer before @OptimumHelp calls me back!
@verizonfios @VerizonSupport you can even have their cable boxes, even though they are probably as worthless as @OptimumHelp
I can only assume that @OptimumHelp is run by evil reptilian aliens sent to Earth to stoke chaos by NEVER RETURNING YOUR CALLS
@verizonfios please save me
@OptimumHelp the only company where you can be on hold for hours on 3 different phones
@OptimumHelp come fix your poles! Why don’t you fix the poles? Do you hate poles? 🇵🇱
@AlticeUSA @OptimumHelp @NLatUN Netherlands please investigate Altice, we believe they are using optimum as a cover to wage a war of attrition against the NY greater area.
I think the technical support team also works for @erikprince
They are testing new forms of advanced assymetrical warfare
You can follow @UPSpleasehelpme.
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