Hello 👋 lovely people! I'm Cara, an intimate partner violence researcher participating in the #GlobalScienceShow 🌎

Today, I'm analyzing Chris Brown's infamous assault against Rihanna to teach you about #IPV- which 1️⃣ in 3️⃣ women will experience in their lifetime 😧

1/11 🧵
You likely already know the story: Brown brutally assaulted Rihanna & photos of her injuries went viral online. 💻

Rihanna became a poster child for #IPV, but has since decided to use her experience to help other women.👩Let's see what we can learn from her story. 📖

2/11 🧵
Above all, Rihanna's story proves that experiencing violence can happen to anyone- some even call it the "great equalizer". 🧑‍🦱🧑‍🦰🧑‍🦳

And trust me, it does happen: 1 in 3 women will experience violence in their lifetime. 🤯

3/11 🧵
But her story goes deeper.

Women with a history of abuse are disproportionately likely to continue to enter/find themselves in abusive relationships. 👫/👭

Rihanna has disclosed that her father was an abuser.💡

The intergenerational impacts of violence are real.⌛️

4/11 🧵
We also know that violence frequently escalates after the initial episode(s). 📈

Brown admitted that they verbally 💬 fought, and eventually it became physical 👊, manifesting into the media popularized assault we know today.

Sometimes, this escalates to #femicide.

Often, our first instinct is to tell women to #leave an abusive relationship/situation. 🚨

But, Rihanna trying to leave the car escalated the violence. 👀

#IPV involves extensive coercive control over a partner-leaving is complicated and even escalate violence. 😬

6/11 🧵
It may sound counterintuitive, but staying in an abusive relationship can be safer than leaving.🧘‍♀️

#SafetyPlanning is critical for:
a) ensuring the safety of the woman and any potential children 🤱 &/or pets 🐶🐱
b) minimizing the risk of retaliation by the abuser.

7/11 🧵
Rihanna's story also plays into the stereotype of #IPV: that it's exclusively physical. In fact, #IPV comes in many forms- #physical is but 1⃣ type.

This has contributed to making it difficult to raise awareness and recognize alternative experiences of violence. 🔍👀

8/11 🧵
The media also encouraged #EpisodicFraming: the idea that occurrences of #IPV are random and disconnected.

This makes it easy to assign individual blame 👉👨- and avoid working towards change!

Really, #violence is a product of societal + cultural failures. 🌐🧑‍⚖️🗣️

9/11 🧵
Chris Brown, a black man, was drinking the night of the assault. 🍻

#IPV is disproportionately prominent in black relationships w/ 🥂 use. This is attributable to #EconomicStress 💰+ #RacialInequality ⚖️- NOT distinctive effects of alcohol among African-Americans.

10/11 🧵
Thanks for tuning in to this brief, *non-exhaustive* discussion about #IPV! Trusted #resources 👇 to keep handy ☎️🖥️

Feel free to @ me with questions.😊

P.S. There are tons of other cool scientists in the @GlobalSciShow- check them out w/ #GlobalScienceShow.

11/11 🧵
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