i love how when you FINALLY close a hard ass door the universe will open 6 more.
attatchment is a crazy thing....u will really feel like this door is impossible to close n so you try to keep it cracked n find urself stuck and stagnant.
attatchment is what keeps you stuck. who’s to say this is the only door? who told u it was the best door u could get? who said this is the only door you deserve? its that fear of loss/failure holding u hostage to yourself and this door.
take a step back. understand and HONOR that nothing belongs to u and things are allowed to come and go as they please. learn appreciate the experience that things/people/opportunities/careers etc have to offer.
rather than clinging to these things when they no longer serve you bc you feel as if you can never get it again, or you cant get something better. YOU ARE WORTHY.
you are afraid to lose things and close doors bc you yourself are lost. things work for us and then they dont, IT IS OKAY, that is the flow of life. release ur need for control, its hindering you significantly.
LOVE THYSELF. if you think you love yourself enough, you dont. embrace yourself and your worth and have FAITH. everything that is meant for you will ALWAYS be. you are always protected <3
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