Is Wisconsin's white working class Trump's base? It's not that simple. Part of the problem is in the term "working class." Often, people say the "working class" is people without a bachelor's degree, but I think any good definition of "working class" has to include income.
This is a crosstab @RonBrownstein often writes about. Trump wins big with non-college white men and ties with their bachelor's degree-having counterparts. Women are much different. Trump loses by 6 with non-college & 20 with college educated. But wait! income matters too...
Here I've divided the pop into rough thirds by family income (RVs skew richer). Trump does best with relatively high earning white men without college degrees. He does much worse with low-income non-college white men.
The same pattern repeats for women without college degrees, except women are much less likely to vote for Trump at all levels of the income distribution.
This article discusses the income X education interaction. In the past, the Dem base was low income/low education and the GOP base was high income/high education. Now the Dem base is low inc/high ed and the Rep base is high inc/low ed.
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