To those who claim we are reducing “womanhood” to “biology” or “a reproductive system” when we say that women are “adult female humans, there is an implication that we didn’t realize needed to be stated explicitly, but has always girded that assertion:

And that is this: Women are the people who, from birth, experience life with a female-sexed body & live in society with these female bodies.

That experience, living with/in a female body, since birth, in a society, is shared by every woman on the planet.That is “womanhood.” 2/x
It is experienced by every woman whether they have a “functioning” reproductive system or not, whether they get periods or not, whether they have hysterectomies or not. Whether they are feminine or not, whether they are GNC or not, whether they like it or not. 3/x
Conversely, it is *never* experienced by anybody born with a male-sexed body. Regardless of how they identify, or how they act now, or how they acted at a young age. Regardless of how they see themselves and if ppl saw them as effeminate. 4/x
It is never experienced by a person born with a male-sexed body *regardless* of whether they eventually are treated or perceived “as women”— they do not have the experience of being treated this way AND the experience of living in a female body. 5/x
It is never experienced by a person born male-sexed body *regardless* of whether they eventually undergo hormone therapy or surgery—they don’t have the experience of the functions (or malfunction) of the female body AND the experience of living in society with these functions.6/x
It is both the experiencing the female body and experiencing the female body *in society* *from birth* that comprises “womanhood.” And being female is a necessary part. 7/x
We assumed the “experiencing the female body from birth while living in society” was an obvious part of being an “adult female human,” but it seems it is not. So here, we have stated it explicitly. 8/end

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