📣”Reverse Racism” is not real. Don’t let white people use Asians as a proxy to access this claim 📣
DOJ findings on Yale scapegoats #AffirmativeAction to create a mirage of access for Asians as long as they are willing to wager their ID & stake a claim to white victimhood
The same DOJ that has been, for the last 4 years, suppressing POC votes and striking down civil rights initiatives that protect equal opportunities
It’s suspicious. But also insidious because it sustains a public narrative that a) distorts the structural and systemic nature of white supremacy- which on its own premise sustains practices of discrimination against Asians and other POC
b) holds Asians as hostage to the bootstrapping model minority narrative that if we knock on the doors hard enough we can be let into eilitist (read: white) institutions;
c) undermines the potential for solidarity with other oppressed communities via the classic “divide and conquer” strategy because the line has been drawn in the sand
Our merit cannot make up for the hundred of years of white legacy— not to mention that the same legacy was built on our backs via transatlantic slavery, occupation and genocide of First Nations, and exploitation of Chinese/Asian labor
Fast forward 200+ years, after disenfranchised people have rebelled against our oppressors and instituted reforms to address our oppression, evidently, #45 makes it known that we are still not safe.
It’s absurd. Gut check: we are getting played. This is the logic: Asians experience racial discrimination, race matters, racism exist, we need solutions is to address racism.
It’s really a form of gaslighting. We’re like: we’re tired of your racism- build a more diverse Public (via affirmative action). White supremacy via is like: we’re in a colorblind society. Racism is your own fault for not working hard enough.
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