quote your opinion on these filmmakers (thread)
buster keaton
george cukor
françois truffaut
sergio leone
eduardo coutinho
akira kurosawa
agnes varda
federico fellini
john cassavetes
elaine may
fritz lang
walter salles
william friedkin
billy wilder
jacques demy
jean renoir
frank capra
david lean
hector babenco
steve mcqueen
mike nichols
mel brooks
sidney lumet
howard hawks
michael powell
john sturges
kleber medonça filho
karim aïnouz
john ford
elem klimov
stanley donen
pawel pawlikowski
jean-pierre melville
otto preminger
orson welles
mike leigh
dario argento
elia kazan
terry jones
fred c. newmeyer & sam taylor

(placing them together because they mostly co-directed)
louis theroux
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