Opposing misogyny in others isn't enough to be feminist. You have to unpack how much patriarchal nonsense you've internalized.

GC women are the clearest illustration of this--so many see themselves as feminists but they replicate every misogynistic narrative.
They attack women's appearances, rail against women's body autonomy, dictate for women what they should do and what they must be called, essentialize some metaphysical ideal of who women are on some ontological level, erase many sexual assaults, even against women.
When we spend our lives being bombarded with lies about how women aren't enough, how we're irrational, ugly, manipulative, how traits laudable in men are condemnable in women, we internalize that. In some ways more intensely than men do.

That's unpacking that needs doing.
Feminist GC women show you can fight your whole life against an injustice, but if you don't do the work of tearing the roots that bigotry out of your own soil, you will *instantly* replicate it as soon as you are presented with a target you don't see as human as you see yourself.
There's a lesson here too, for trans women and femmes about how much work there is in unpacking and tearing out internalized transmisogyny. This isn't a scold against anyone else. It's a reminder to myself as much as anyone, how much we can replicate cis society's loathing of us.
I know for my part, when I came out, I quickly became aware of SO much internalized transmisogyny I had been holding onto. I worked hard to face it, address it, undo it.

And I still notice years later how quickly I can replicate it, internally and externally if I'm not vigilant.
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