Biggest red flag is hearing someone praise ‘white culture’
White culture =/= European culture. White culture I.e the concept of a white race came about during racialised slavery and colonization. ‘White culture’ is quite literally just racism. There’s a world of difference between loving ‘french culture’ and loving ‘white culture’
white people all have different cultures and they’re not a monolith. British culture is different from French culture and French culture is different from polish culture- there’s literally no logical reason to group all these different peoples together. Think about it.
‘White culture’ can be a dog whistle with pretty racist implications and a lot of the racists who use it are aware of this. This is my point.
Quick sidenote: ‘white culture’ has become pretty meme’d so people who say they love white culture could also just be referring to harmless things like Starbucks, uggs etc...But yeah this is obviously a different conversation than the one I’m trying to have.
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