Jae regarding maintaining a "perfect" image
🐥: Showing them perfection makes them feel like they aren't perfect. If we only show you our best moments and kids grow up watching that, and one day they think that it's not their best moment, they won't feel good.
🐥: Esp in KPOP where they put us in a position where we gotta be this gotta be that. Why can't be just human beings? Why can't we have opinions?... Everyone be acting like everything has to be perfect, it's not. Why don't yall just try to be human for once?
🐥: Let your emotions make you remember that you're alive... Just remember that at the end of the day you feel all these (negative emotions) because you're still living in this world.
🐥: All I'm saying that before we look at others with hatred, let's look at the mirror and try to reevaulate ourselves. Like everyone popping of in comment sections of articles... are you Jesus Chist? Nobody's perfect.. I think we forget that too often.
🐥: I've seen the comment "electric chair" about a feud between group members. Like? Are you forreal? You're actually agreeing to a death of someone regarding a situation you don't even know about!
🐥: All I'm saying is let's try to be respectful. No one has not done something wrong. That's it. That's the moral of the story. It's been a trend to be toxic. I don't understand how this is okay.
🐥: Why are we setting a disgusting example for the future generations?... There's so much going on in the world, why are we doing this to ourselves? Why are we acting like we're perfect. Why are we descriminating others because skin color? I don't understand!
This thread just contains a small amount of so many points Jae has made in his 200815 Instagram Live. If you have the time, please do watch it.
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