Okay I’m back for a short moment because I’m still at work (😔😔 IM TIRED) and this bird app is distracting me way too much but I have a few things to say concerning a thread that I saw going around (it will be short, I will do a longer version soon)
I’m talking about this thread. https://twitter.com/iousdefence/status/1291155119107706881?s=21

It’s filled with misinformation and plain bad understanding of the entertainment industry, today, with the time (and patience) that I have now I will only speak the Max Clifford thing
(And because I’m a lazy ass I will copy paste what I just wrote earlier)
Max Clifford and his agency Max Clifford PR associates were Simon personal publicist. Not 1D, he doesn’t have any ties we 1D that we’re aware of, Simon and him stopped collaborating after the sexual assault allegations of Max Clifford in 2014
Max Clifford was Simon personal publicity from 2001 to 2014 when Cowell first engaged Clifford in 2001 when the media spotlight fell on him as a judge in the 'Pop Idol' TV series. He handled everything related to Simon scandals
Max Clifford was working with Simon and ofc he knows how hiding/closeting a relationship work, any PR knows that and it’s knowledge to common public that beard exist. He represented clients with huge scandals (such as Simon) so it’s no surprise. (Still disgusting tho)
Max and Simon were open about them working together. Simon publicly cut ties with Max Clifford in 2014 after Max’s sexual allegations against minors, he was aware it was coming to an end as he stated conviction would threaten what he said was a 12-year working relationship.
‼️‼️ PLEASE Always ask for sources and credits for proofs, always double check (even with google if you have no PR experience) and see if things are accurate, it’s really easy to misunderstand things and lead people to do the same.‼️‼️
It’s easy, even if you have no PR background or understanding e.g (TheGuardian, the Independent, PR magazines, academic journals (researchGate, open journals, google scholars etc..) you will see many sources studying the actual dynamics of PR. be careful when spreading info
PLEASE I’m literally begging because I work in PR and influencing, and I did 2 thesis guys (Nottingham university, and one with my business school in France) I cant stress enough how much you MUST need reliable sources before making general statement
And by reliable sources I mean actual articles from good journals, academic journals, thesis written about the impact of PR and its use, the dynamics of fandoms, (you have many websites I can make a list of y’all want) but not a thread made by a Larry on Twitter please.
This is how you create and feed rumors within your own fandom, this is how you minsinform people and spread fake narrative that obviously young teenagers or any people without any PR knowledge can easily trust
This thread is the perfect example of entitlement, misinformation, open to no discussion as from the get-go it refute any denials made by any of the boys and their families and friends. In no way this thread depicts an actual representation of the industry
And YES closeting exists, and YES some shady shit are going on, and obviously a sometimes very dishonest and always a very greedy industry there’s no denying that. but if you want to more about it, and if the person in front of you pretend to know the industry : question them
Always always double check sources and events, always try to debunk your own proof, always search for multiples sources in order to support your claims. Please DO NOT base your knowledge of anything based on a thread made by a larrie. That’s just.....yeah.
Because fake information are spread so fast, and it cause people thinking like this and use this thread as a reference. This is how you create fake news/rumors https://twitter.com/heartbrkhabits/status/1294303737553412096?s=21 https://twitter.com/heartbrkhabits/status/1294303737553412096
So please please please if y’all want to learn more about the industry do it with only reliable sources (and if you don’t like to read there’s some very good documentaries) because ofc it’s shady af and y’all will be surprised to see how much you can manipulate people +
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