Thinking about that time my entire group of male friends ambushed me at recess one day and threw snowballs at me because I also liked to play Time Cats and not just Power Rangers and I don’t think anything else was as significant in preventing me from coming out until I was 32
Time Cats was great because you could be any kind of cat and also you could travel through time and there were literally no other rules
Power Rangers sucked because it was just 25 minutes of “no I want to be the green ranger” followed by “guess it’s time to go back inside”
This is the reason why in all my games there’s explicit language about how more than one person can choose the same role and also you can travel through time
I didn’t include any cat forms though because I apparently blocked out that memory

But as a house rule you can be a cat person in Mnemonic and if anyone says you can’t you can show them this thread
If this Kickstarter campaign hits 100k I will add a stretch goal of “Time Cats” to be added to the worldbuilding chapter and a cool story arc where you get to be cats and travel through time and there are literally no other rules
You can follow @DeePennyway.
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