Ever since the establishment revealed its desire to even further turn this country into a completely fascist police state by running the Crime Bill Kop ticket, I have been doing a lot of thinking about the life I want, even if only fora few years before I die. A thread. 1/
I know I don't ever want to live in a city again after my caregiver duties are over. I have been looking at available cheap land across the country for the part five years. I've been making my plans for after my caregiver duties are over. I want to be totally off grid. 2/
I don't ever want to pay another utility bill to an energy company engaged in earth destroying practices to then also rob me blind. I'm gong to generate my own solar & wind power & have made necessary purchases to that end already. This will mean I also need to drive down my...3/
...consumption of power. Working on ways to do that, like just spending more time reading real books instead of reading on my screens. Looking to convert my old sewing machine back into a treadle table so it doesn't need electricity to run. Many ways we can all do this.
I'm already growing my own food (though not very successfully-need to work on those skills). Just working everyday toward self sufficiency & an eye toward helping those I love in ways that will matter. I do believe we are entering a time where we will need to have skills in...
...feeding & clothing ourselves. And building our own shelters. I don't think city life is going to be sustainable. It definitely isn't going to be desirable. And I wouldn't want to be trapped in one when the world goes totally insane. Which it will.
None of these thoughts are new for me. They're just really hyper present for me now. I can totally see where this country is headed. Knowing that these elections are a farce & that the continued dismantling of services that serve the majority of people is being done by both...
of the major parties, hand in hand with one another while serving the interests of the ruling class has totally radicalized me & I won't participate in anything but actual revolution at this point. Electoral politics is nothing more than a football game...
and y'all have willingly marched yourselves into the stadium while they plan our demise. I hope many will awaken to the fact that when we stop participating on their terms, we win. Because we are many & they are few. When we are capable of taking care of ourselves & each other...
outside of their systems of control, we render their power over us null & void. So we have to relearn to shelter ourselves, feed & clothe ourselves, so that we can make a better world without them.
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