If your Pastor is sinning, lying to congregants about happenings of the church, creating dissent among members, yet stands in the pulpit and preaches to his people about their disobedience & “gossip” when accountability comes - LEAVE & pray for eyes to open. Protect your family.
What I have watched is when u go to this Pastor with concerns & he is steadfast in being “right” yet is contradicting leadership standards, you learn others have also gone to him w/ same result. Then you see each of these people, including you, become the scapegoat - ex. (Cont)
The Pastor begins to gossip by spreading rumors that you are a wild card & you “aren’t under authority” - you receive discipline letters telling you to come under authority & your salvation is questioned so you’re instructed to come before a discipline panel on specific date&time
Or you will be under discipline and asked to leave but they will warn the church you move to of your “disobedience” along with your peers at church (harassment & “righteous”gossip) All of this is a gag to keep you from letting others know that your Pastor has & is actively in sin
Though all you did is go to him as the Bible instructs us to, you weren’t in fact gossiping nor disobeying but the manipulative tactic is to keep you from speaking to anyone else & just wanting to get away from there - very effective but for the spiritual damage & pain it leaves
Keep speaking and go to the board, trustees, if the Pastor won’t come under Gods authority & obey God. Keep copies of your letters to the committees, Pastor, trustees so you have your truth in writing. Flying monkeys of the church push you out thinking the Pastor is holy...
We have to stand for truth in leadership. Look at our world. If the church isn’t held accountable then what will we have left? God demands righteousness of church leaders. I have watched so many lives RUINED by a Pastor who can’t be wrong or humble & by their their committees...
doing their bidding while keeping secrets of their heavy hand, temper, lies, sin, lack of humility. Look at Falwell, Patterson, Jeffries...people not held to acct for their lack of Jesus leadership & morals & words. Given more & more power & rope. This doesn’t honor GOD...
To follow Jesus, to lead for him, to disciple, you must have backbone & must stand only in truth! No fences. No bench riding. You’re the A-team. Speak truth in love. Pastor I am seeing the fruits of sin in your life & I need to know my Pastor is righteously living, how will you..
address this? I will walk it out with you, but if you don’t turn I will take it to elders & then the people. We have to take back our safe places & be able to have safe leadership. THAT is a stepping stone for #churchtoo It begins w/ accountability. We answer to God not man.
Discipline me church - what does that matter in eternity? If I stand for truth & you are sinning & harming the cause of Christ, God has the final say, not you. You Pastors/leaders are Gods SERVANT, which makes you our servant. And as we all serve it trickles down, humility in svc
We are not called into bondage to you or your church but to FREEDOM in Christ. You are only in place to encourage, to rally, to be safe, to commend, to share scripture (not interpret) to sing praise over us to Shepherd - that’s IT! That’s all that’s needed, but 1st u must qualify
I am watching these disciplinary letters & signed NDA’s destroy lives, faith, and the entire integrity of the church. It is a scourge! Faux righteousness is crumbling the church. Revival of seminaries & Pastors is what’s needed - not the people of faith but it’s LEADERS. Rise up
If your Pastor covers for an abuser & allows them to continue in ministry or sends the out quietly - Challenge this and alert others! You are not righteous by remaining silent “to protect the church” you ARE protecting the church by standing. No manipulation- test scriptures
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