🧵 Metamodernism 101 thread

I just wrote an email introducing someone to political metamodernism, so I thought I should reproduce it here.

Read on if you want to go spelunking down an infinite cascade of hot links...
Political metamodernism is like classical liberalism, prioritising tolerance and pluralism (i.e. every perspective has some value in it).

The difference is that metamodernism starts from a set of beliefs about adult development & psychology.
Basically: it would be nice if everyone could take multiple perspectives, but a significant proportion of adults literally don't have the cognitive capacity to do so.

So the MM project is to organise society for adult development, emotional intelligence, psychological depth, etc
Maybe the most accessible intro to this way of thinking is this convo with Tomas Björkman & @jim_rutt.

He says adult development is the reason 19C Scandinavia went from dirtpoor serfdom to prosperous democracy while Europe was a bloodbath of revolutions. https://www.jimruttshow.com/tomas-bjorkman/ 
For a deeper dive, read The Listening Society by Hanzi Freinacht ( @Metamoderna), which launched the Nordic school of political metamodernism.

This is the book that is most responsible for me breaking up with woke fundamentalism.

More on that here: https://medium.com/@richdecibels/on-leaving-the-church-of-social-justice-c84668df5acb
And special mention for The Stoa, which grew out of a podcast and is now a virtual hangout space for these kinda multi-perspectival & developmental thinkers to meet and dialogue. http://thestoa.ca 
The Stoa was started by @peternlimberg co-author of this long article describing some of the different political tribes active online in 2018.

He coined "memetic meditation", which is about helping these tribes to meet each other in productive dialogue. https://medium.com/s/world-wide-wtf/memetic-tribes-and-culture-war-2-0-14705c43f6bb
It's probably worth noting that metamodernism is a close cousin of integralism, so if you get into it you'll probably hear a lot of references to Ken Wilber's Integral Theory or Don Beck's Spiral Dynamics.

Here's Ken on Future Thinkers: https://futurethinkers.org/ken-wilber-practices-growing-up/
Once you reach Integral & Spiral Dynamics, there's a million interesting branches and a million minus X dead ends. It's a very mixed bag.

I like how it shows up in organisational theory, e.g. Reinventing Organisations by Laloux, and An Everyone Culture by Lahey, Kegan et al
My 101 list is highly subjective, so please reply with your favourites: books, articles, podcasts, people, etc.
Specifically: my subjectivity is on a trajectory from fundamentalist Christian to postmodern radical left and now into metamodern. There's an equally strong tendency of metamodernism coming from the right wing, that I'm not so interested in, so this list is missing a lot.
You can follow @RichDecibels.
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