. @HelenZiaReal on the model minority myth at #AAJA20

All of these ideas that one group is better support white supremacy by keeping us apart & creating those wedges.

[The AAPI community] being complicit & believing we can be white is part of the white supremacy tool too.
Whiteness is defined, characterized, and enforced by anti-Blackness. When whiteness is performed, it is a tool to assert one's "American-ness." @SorayaMcDonald at #AAJA20
Asians are treated as other-dimensional from the Black--White axis of American race discourse, inserted into the dialogue as a wedge at any time, sometimes by presenting Asians as approximate whites.

- Jeff Yang @originalspin at #AAJA20
Like Asian-ness, American Blackness is complex & diverse.

We have an oversimplified idea of race in our newsroom and how it functions because there are so few of us to tell the many lived experiences of Asian Americans, Black Americans, immigrants, etc.

@WesleyLowery #AAJA20
The model minority myth came from our newsrooms. @HelenZiaReal #aaja20
Although newsrooms are microcosms of reality, journalists are asked not to be participants in culture and speak out against the issues in the newsrooms because US news media is framed as "objective" presenters of the truth. - Jeff Yang @originalspin #AAJA20
We have collective struggles but also unique histories -- the term people of color flattens the complexity.

In hiring, the diversity box often gets checked off when the staff has one "POC."

- @WesleyLowery #AAJA20
You can't compartmentalize race & ethnicity. They play too big a role in how life is lived in America to be made a section or vertical.

That also sends the message that the rest of the news is by default, white.

@SorayaMcDonald #AAJA20
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