1/ 14SW/subs Lets talk engagement rt groups, and the etiquette around being in them. I have at least 3 working engagement groups of my own and then I am in a lot of other engagement / rt groups run by both other SW's or sub/promo accounts. Over what I would say the last
2/14 couple of months I have noticed the etiquette and the respect slowly slipping in these groups. Firstly when you join said groups there are clear rules before you agree to join which you are to adhere too. Secondly you do not get to pick and choose what you engage with
3/14 and what you don't. If you can't abide by the rules than you should bow out and find a group that's more suitable for you. If the rules are to follow all you follow all if they aren't in the rules than don't call people out who aren't following you. If the rules are you are
4/14 to like said number of drops before you drop your own tweets than do that before selfishly dropping your own and saying you will catch up later. Shadow banning seems to be the new trend for newer Dommes who refuse to engage for one reason or another so let me tell you this
5/14 Links in tweets dose not get you shadow banned however if your twitter page looks spamy then that could flag up your wall and you could be shadow banned most shadow bans don't affect you and you end up on a search suggestion ban which usually goes after a few days.
6/14 myth around hashtags and shadow bans, Twitter itself uses hashags using more then 3 could get you shadow banned but so can using trigger words without the # next to it because twitter still picks them up. If you use pig, loser ect on almost all your post you will probably
7/14 get shadow banned, not everyone will. Tweeting a lot can get you shadow banned. Commenting an emoji could get you shadow banned. Commenting one word answers also shadow banned and guess what you can get shadow banned if you follow other people it has nothing to do with
8/14 following only mutuals. Dose that mean if you are following a famous celeb and they use hashtag and and link and you retweeted it and commented you would then get shadow banned because said celeb doesn't follow you? I don't think so.
9/14 in the nearly 2 years I have been on twitter in BDSM i have been searched suggestion banned twice and I engage with non followers. I have been comment hidden once because well i have a potty mouth and twitter hates that. Avoid the C u Next tuesday word you end up in
10/14 twitter jail and nobody wants that. So my advice to you is don't make up the rules as you go if you dont like or can't follow make your own group. we are all in these groups to support each other.
11/14 It is very rare that there isn't links attached to SW tweets we are here to hustle. If that's not something you are willing to do then leave the group. Hashtags are good to use if you only use few and they shouldn't really affect you if its less than 3. Again if its not
12/14 against the rules of the group you should be engaging again don't like it vacate, its not fair if me and others are engaging in your content and then you decide oh no I'm not doing that. The only time I think its ok is if said person is actually shadow banned,
13/14 don't selfishly drop your tweets before engaging with others that's not fair. If you have limits and you see something you don't like then pull the media from the persons wall that doesn't trigger you. Remember who's in the groups don't overshare personal aspects of your
14 life in the group. I know where here to support but remember some of these groups have subs and you do not want to appear weak or not knowing what you are doing. Finally just support each other but be mindful of others in the group any problems speak to admins of groups.
You can follow @RoyalScouse.
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