// rant ?

You guys now that "I'm not like other girls thing" that still floats around?

So this is probably majorly obvious but that movement doesn't just shit on "traditional/socially favoured" femininity, but it can also majorly mess up people's view on themselves ......
This is just me speaking from experience so this obv won't apply to every lady out there.

I used to be a "not like other girls" type, and i was stuck in the thought that everything feminine was bad and something to be ashamed of.
In my mind wearing short skirts = whore ....
For the longest time i just refused to wear anything besides hoodies and baggy pants. My mindset wad heavily set in the "because im not like other girls, I'll never be beautiful. I'll never be popular." Which obviously affected my mental health which i still struggle with today..
After years of slowly taking care of myself and exploring my femininity i have discovered that the things i previously judged so harshly are things i love today.
Being feminine doesnt make my interests in nerdy stuff any less valid. Being feminine doesnt make me weak ....
This thread is getting far too long s ok I'll just conclude it here.

Basically the "not like other girls" thing stunted my personal growth drastically and stopped me from being who i really am for the longest time.

Dresses and makeup dont make me any less valid.
TLDR; The "not like other girls" thing is toxic and hurts women.

Probsbly not just women either. It hurts anyone who might be drawn to "typical" feminine things

Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk, I'm gonna go drink my now-stale coffee now
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